Sci-Fi HUD Creator
"Don't get any more surprises while roaming through the universes !
Fill up your ship and your headquarters with monitors, screens, HUD and all kind of displays to let people know you mean serious business and you are a technologically advanced species !"
This pack contains an ever-growing set of monitors ready to be dropped with KitOps and over 300 tailor-made decals, generated by AI and cared for by a chameleon. This is NOT just a raw input of images randomly dropped in a folder !Each decal have been hand-picked and adjusted so they're ready to be used in Blender, with either KitOps or DecalMachine. This pack is meant to quickly add background digital displays and other monitor elements to your scene.
They were not meant to be hero/key element... though you can !
How does it work ?
STEP 1) Choose one of the 10 Monitors, which you can easily drag and drop with KitOps.
You will find a selected choice of round monitors, square monitors and larger monitors, which are already set up so you can change their shape with a couple of sliders or a simple curve edit to add some variety to your wall of displays. Every monitor is easily customizable so you are not limited by the initial shape.
The glass material works for both Eevee and Cycles (Don't forget to turn on REFRACTION in the Scene Settings panel to have the glass material show up properly in Eevee)
More monitors will also be added regularly - as fast as the factory produces them.
Choose a ROUND monitor...
...or a SQUARE monitor
You can easily adjust the shape of the monitor
STEP 2) Choose among the vast selection of decals to stick on your monitors :
• 50+ Round HUD decals, with a various choice of colors, lights and HUD elements, in a round layout with alpha
• 50+ Square HUD decals, with a various choice of colors, lights and HUD elements, in a square layout with alpha
Adjust to your liking
Or simply drag & drop one of the LARGE decals...
• 100 Large HUD decals ... and I mean, they are huuuuge (between 4K and 6K), wider and more imposing than your regular round or square ones, and they also come with their own choice of colors, lights and HUD elements, in various large shapes with alpha
... or one of the TILEABLE decals including :
• 50+ AlienTile Decals, to add some random shapes of lights and blinking elements to those unidentified ships flying around your base. Each texture is a seamless tile, but you can also use individual elements.
• 50+ DigiTile Decals, to add some random shapes of lights and blinking elements to your proud and inspiring fleet. Each texture is a seamless tile, but you can also use individual elements.
Each tileable decal from both sets comes already prepared with Array modifiers for your own convenience (a.k.a. laziness).
Adjust transparency for another level of control of your HUD
Decal Erode node by Chipp Walters
You don't even have to keep the whole decal ! Be picky !
Decals are one polygon, so it's easy and fast to add geometry around the parts you like !
This pack comes with :
Your weapon of choice to bash over 300 decals :
• KPACK for Kit Ops - for Blender 3.0+ - 2.93 should work too (KIT OPS has both a FREE and a PRO version, check the links below)
• Decal pack for DECALmachine
• 10 monitors in 1 KPACK (with adaptive shape. More will be added regularly)
• ALL Transparent PNG, 2048x2048 and 4096x4096 and beyond - usable in any 3D software or other editing software or to print for your bedroom wall. It also includes two sets of tileable images, AlienTile and DigiTile, which you can use as a texture material, since it will repeat seamlessly, or via array.
- to add more monitors in the Kpack as I model more detailed ones.
- to create Blender Asset Manager file for an alternative to KitOps (but KitOps is great ! ^^)
- to add a pack of trim sheets to quickly texture parts of your model with LED lights.
You can purchase DECALMachine add-on here : You can download KIT OPS FREE :
And you can purchase KIT OPS PRO here :
Thank you for checking this pack and may the monitors shine on you ! Feel free to drop a comment or a review !
Need more decals ?
Check my SCIFI DRAMA DECALS Pack to add even more drama to your space scenes :
Sci-Fi HUD Creator - with packs for KitOps, DecalMachine and PNG